Flow $55.55 or more into The Golden Game, and receive a golden key necklace as a gift!
The Golden Game is an abundance manifestation game outlined in detail in the final chapters of The Golden Key and at goldenkey.gift.
"If you had to quantify it, what is the monetary value of the wisdom shared in this book to you? What do you feel is the honest value of the Golden Key you now hold in your pocket? And more importantly, how much abundance do you wish to cultivate in your life?"
**One of exercises in the Rich-U-All Action Plan involves reciting a mantra while focusing on your Golden Key necklace, while setting the intention to see it as the physical evidence of the expanding abundance stream that has already begun flowing into your life. Imagine your Golden Key as an “abundance generator” that will imbue and exude the energy of health, wealth, peace, prosperity, and whatever other form(s) of abundance you are calling in. View your magical “abundance generator” through the eyes of your excited inner child who is longing to come out and play!**
**If you flow $888.88 or more into the game, and would prefer a solid gold key necklace, send us an email at staygold@goldenkey.gift**
"It is in giving, that we receive."